2024斯巴達(dá)勇士賽— 北京站賽后滿意度調(diào)查 10.19-10.20

2024 SPARTAN RACE——Beijing Post-Event Survey



Dear Spartan! 2024 Spartan Beijing Race has successfully concluded! In order to make the Spartan Race even better next time, we would love to get your feedback.

We value your time a lot and in order to appreciate your participation in the survey, we will provide you with a 10% discount code for any race registration in Mainland China.(Discout code valid till Oct.20th.2025)

1. 您會向同事或者朋友推薦斯巴達(dá)勇士賽嗎(滿分10分)?
How likely is it that you would recommend Spartan to a friend or colleague (A full score of 10 points)?
2. 您推薦/不推薦的主要原因是什么?What is the most important reason for your score?
3. 您如何評價本次斯巴達(dá)勇士賽的整體體驗(滿分10分)?
Overall, how satisfied were you with your Spartan experience (A full score of 10 points)?
4. 回顧一下剛剛參加過的比賽,請對如下項目的滿意度分別進(jìn)行評分(滿分10分)
Thinking about the event you just participated in, please rate your satisfaction for each of the following (A full score of 10 points):
  • 不清楚或未涉及N/A
  • 非常不滿意
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 非常滿意
報名注冊 Registration/ Sign Up Process
參賽指南 Race Information/ Communications
交通指引 Find the Race Site
場地選址 Venue
現(xiàn)場注冊 Check-in/Registration
存包 Bag Check
起跑儀式 Starting Speech
賽道障礙 Obstacles
賽道補(bǔ)給 Water Station
醫(yī)療服務(wù) Medical
賽道設(shè)計及難度 Course Design & Difficulty
完賽獎牌 Finisher Medal
完賽T恤 Finisher T-Shirt
沖淋 Shower
主會場互動 Festival & Entertainment
特許商品 Merchandise
成績查詢 Finding Results
圖片服務(wù) Race Photos
志愿者 Volunteers and Staff
5. 下面幾項針對賽事信息的服務(wù),您認(rèn)為我們準(zhǔn)備的是否充分(滿分10分)?
How prepared did the following items make you feel for the event (A full score of 10 points)?
  • 不清楚或未涉及N/A
  • 非常不滿意
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 非常滿意
針對賽事的賽前郵件 Event Specific Pre-Event Emails
斯巴達(dá)勇士賽綜合性信息 General Spartan Information
針對比賽的訓(xùn)練 Your Training for the Event
斯巴達(dá)官方網(wǎng)站 Spartan's Website
社交媒體上和斯巴達(dá)群的溝通 Social Media Discussions Within Spartan Groups
比賽現(xiàn)場與志愿者/工作人員的溝通 Interaction with On-Site Volunteers and Spartan Staff
6. 這次和您共同前往觀賽的非參賽人員有幾人?
How many non-racers came with you to this Spartan Race?
7. 賽場與您的居住地距離大約是?
Approximately, how far did you travel to get to this event?
8. 您在比賽期間是否住在賽場周邊區(qū)域?Please describe your accommodations for this event?
9. 您在賽場附近一共住了幾個晚上?How many nights in total did you stay in the area on your trip?
10. 您是否在現(xiàn)場進(jìn)行了消費?
Did you buy any product on site?
11. 您消費的金額是?What is the amount that you spend?
12. 請問您最喜歡的是斯巴達(dá)勇士賽的哪一部分?
What was your favorite part of your Spartan experience?
13. 截止到本次賽事,您總共參加了幾次斯巴達(dá)勇士賽?
How many total Spartan events have you participated in?
14. 您有計劃一年內(nèi)完成斯巴達(dá)勇士三個級別的比賽(競速賽/體育場賽+超級賽+野獸賽/超級野獸賽)嗎?
Will you complete the Spartan Trifecta? (A trifecta is one Sprint/Stadion, one Super, and one Beast/Ultra  in a calendar year)
15. 您以后是否會繼續(xù)參加斯巴達(dá)勇士賽?
Will you do another Spartan Event?
16. 您今后不再參加斯巴達(dá)勇士賽的主要原因是什么?
Please tell us your top reason for not participating in another Spartan Event.
17. 下一次您考慮參加哪個級別的斯巴達(dá)賽事?
Which Spartan event would you do?
18. 您是通過什么渠道得知斯巴達(dá)勇士賽的?
How did you hear about Spartan Race?
19. 您是否已關(guān)注斯巴達(dá)勇士官方微信號?Have you already followed SpartanRace in Wechat?
20. 請問您未關(guān)注斯巴達(dá)勇士官方微信號的原因是? What are the reasons that make you not follow SpartanRace in Wechat?
21. 您希望從斯巴達(dá)勇士官方微信上獲取什么信息? What information do you want to get from SpartanRace in Wechat?
22. 您希望獲得哪些斯巴達(dá)訓(xùn)練內(nèi)容? What type of Training content do you want to acquire?
23. 您的性別 Your Gender
24. 您的年齡 Your Age
25. 您的學(xué)歷? Your education background
26. 您的年收入? What is your total annual income?
27. 斯巴達(dá)賽事如何可以做得更好?請您留下任何可以想到的意見!
How can we improve Spartan race? Tell us everything you can!
28. 非常感謝您填寫問卷的寶貴時間

Thank you for your time to fill out the survey.


Please enter your phone number you use for registration for receiving the discount code
聯(lián)系我們 Contact Us

勇士熱線/Customer Service Number:400-801-5553(工作時間:周一至周五 10:00-18:00 work time:10:00 am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday)


官方網(wǎng)站/Official Website:www.spartanrace.cn

官方微信/Official WeChat:https://share.zhibo.tv/wxShortHtml/index44.html

官方微博/Official Weibo:SpartanRace
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