
1. 您的性別是
2. 您的年級是
3. 您認為古代文物修復應該優(yōu)先考慮哪些方面?/What aspects do you think should be given priority in the restoration of ancient cultural relics?
4. 你是否愿意參與古代文物修復的相關活動或
(Would you be willing to participate in activities or projects related to artifactrestoration?)
5. 你認為是否有必要花費大量精力修復文物?/Do you think it is necessary to invest a lot of effort in restoring cultural relics
6. n your opinion, the future inheritance and development of cultural relic restoration work will be(你認為文物修復工作在以后的傳承與發(fā)展將是):
7. I support using restored artifacts for educational purposes, such as school teaching and academic research.(我支持將修復后的文物用于教育目的,如學校教學、學術研究等。)
8. For some severely damaged artifacts, I think reconstruction or partial replication is acceptable.(對于某些嚴重損壞的文物,我認為重建或部分復制是可以接受的。)
9. I believe artifact restoration work should receive more financial support and societal attention.(我認為文物修復工作應該得到更多的資金支持和社會關注。)
10. I think artifact restoration can effectively perpetuate the historical value of artifacts.(我認為文物修復能夠有效地延續(xù)文物的歷史價值。)
11. I think restored artifacts should be more frequently displayed to the public to enhance the dissemination of historical culture.(我認為修復后的文物應該更多地向公眾展示,以增強歷史文化的普及。)
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