
The Influence of Occupational Motivation on Career Choice Intention of Students in Higher Vocational Colleges: Social Environment perception as mediating effect

To my beloved classmates:


Thank you for your assistance. This is a purely academic research questionnaire, and we hope that through the understanding and academic verification of college students' career choice intention, it will be helpful to the development of related theories and practical work. Your opinion is very valuable and has important reference value for this study, please fill in each item according to your real situation and feelings. This questionnaire is anonymous, and the information you provide in the questionnaire will only be used for the purpose of this study, and will never be disclosed or leaked, so please feel free to fill in the answers.

Once again, I sincerely thank you for your enthusiastic participation and help in your busy schedule!

Graduate Institute of Educational Administration, Kirk University

Instructor: Dr. Weng Fuyuan

Graduate student: HU Yuzi

This questionnaire defines arts education as: aesthetic educational activities using painting, literature, music, sculpture, dance, and drama as artistic means and contents. 

2. Ethnicity:
3. Grade:
4. Place of Birth:
5. Hukou Category:
6. Admission category:
7. Majors studied:
8. Only child or not
8. Only child or not
9. Parents' Occupation

Career Motivation Questionnaire

In this study, career motivationis the psychological process that directly causes, drives and sustains a person's occupational activities to achieve certain occupational goals. It can be generated on the basis of one or mainly one kind of multiple occupational needs. It belongs to the category of vocational awareness tendency. Due to different motivating factors and the existence of different occupational motivation: arising from the individual on the wages, benefits, working environment, safety conditions and other material needs; arising from the individual on the sense of achievement, a sense of honour, career, interpersonal communication and other spiritual needs; caused by the elders, authority, leadership, groups, and other external influences; by the individual on the occupational activities itself is interested in, that is, by the quest for knowledge, new, strange and other internal factors and so on. Internal factors.

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I chose my career to reflect my personal interests and values.
I would like to pursue a career that promotes competence and a sense of competence.
A professionally related career that helps me realise my personal values.
I would prefer a career with a high level of inner satisfaction.
I would like to work in a career that gives me inner satisfaction, even if the external rewards are less.
I want to choose a career that reflects my personal interests and values.
Whilst I focus on my personal interests, I also want a career that offers a stable income and prospects for growth.
I would like to have more opportunities for creativity and self-expression in my career.
A career of interest keeps me motivated to work.
When choosing a career I consider whether it will bring fulfilment.
When choosing a career I tend to favour careers that lead to achievement and advancement.
I look forward to gaining social recognition and respect through this career.
I chose this career because it provides me with the opportunity to learn new things.
I want a career that offers a stable income and prospects for growth.
I am confident about my future in this career.
I want careers to elevate social status.
I want to gain social recognition and respect through my career.
I will prioritise job opportunities that offer security and stability.
I tend to choose jobs that offer long term career progression.

Perceived Social Environment Questionnaire

In this study, Social Environment Perception (SEP) refers to the process by which an individual or group develops knowledge and understanding of the social environment by observing, experiencing, and interpreting a variety of information and cues in the external social environment. This perception includes observation and understanding of social structure, culture, norms, rules, interpersonal relationships, and social interactions. Social environment perception involves not only the physical environment (e.g., workplace, community, school, etc.), but also social relationships and interaction patterns, reflecting how individuals acquire, decode, and process social information in a given social context.

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Economic factors (e.g., inflation, unemployment) have influenced my career choices.
I tend to choose careers that are adaptable to socio-economic fluctuations.
The changing economic climate has had a significant impact on my career choices.
I will consider the impact of the current economic situation on employment opportunities in the industry.
Choosing a career based on industry prospects, I tend to join fast-growing industries.
Industrial transformation and upgrading have a strong impact on career choices, and I would like to work in a new technology-driven industry.
Technology innovation and digital transformation within the industry is the focus of my career choice.
Changes in industry policies (e.g. environmental protection policies, industrial support policies) have a significant impact on my career choice.
Overall employment trends and talent needs in the industry had a significant impact on my career choice
I would choose a career based on the industry's growth prospects, with a tendency to join fast-growing sectors.
I would like to choose a career related to the local culture of my hometown.
Local speciality industries and culture feature prominently in my career choices.
The cultural values of my region have influenced my choice of career.
Career choices are influenced by society's evaluation of occupational fulfilment and status.
I value the opinions of my family and friends in my career choices.
Stereotypes such as gender and age in society have influenced my career choices.
Social support has had a big impact on my career development.
Societal stereotypes of careers have influenced my career choices
I will give preference to a work environment where there is harmony with colleagues and a good culture of teamwork

Career Choice Intention Questionnaire

In this study, Career Choice Intention refers to an individual's tendency to choose the direction of future career development based on a number of considerations such as personal interests, abilities, values, social expectations and environmental factors. It reflects an individual's preference, expectation and decision-making tendency for a specific occupation or occupational field, usually including the expectation for the nature of work, working conditions, income level, development opportunities and other factors. Career choice intention is a dynamic process, influenced by a variety of internal and external factors, including the individual's self-perception, occupational values, social culture, family expectations, educational background, economic situation and so on.

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I have defined my future career direction.
I am very firm about my career choice.
I am confident about my future in this career.
I think my career choice will lead to a successful career.
I have chosen a career that fulfils my personal interests and hobbies.
I would prefer a career that gives me a sense of fulfilment and meaning.
When choosing a career, I place great importance on work-life balance
I tend to choose careers that give me more free time and flexibility.
Innovative and challenging job content was key to my career choice.
I will give preference to companies that excel in social responsibility and sustainability.
I am in a social environment that values career stability, so I tend to prefer a stable job.
Society's emphasis on higher-paying careers has influenced my career choices.
I choose my career with future opportunities and room for professional growth in mind.
I want the opportunity for continuous advancement in my chosen career.
The perceptions of people around me (e.g. friends, family) about careers can significantly influence my career choices.
I would give preference to careers that support a healthy work environment.
I would choose a career that allows me to keep learning new skills and exploring new areas.
I prefer companies that offer career training and development.
My social environment values career stability, so I tend to choose a stable job. (Related to social environment, but more reflective of the impact of stability)
The unstable economic situation makes me prefer a secure job.

Training Strategy of Specialized Personnel Questionnaire

In this study, Training Strategy of Specialized Personnel refers to a series of systematic educational programmes and measures formulated under a specific education system (e.g., higher vocational education) according to the social demand, industry development trend and students' characteristics, aiming at cultivating high-quality talents with professional skills, practical ability and vocational literacy. Talents. This strategy covers the setting of teaching objectives, the design of the curriculum system, the selection of teaching methods, the reinforcement of practical teaching and the support of employment-oriented services.

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The content of the school's programmes is very practical and helpful for career development
The course design is highly aligned with industry needs, enabling me to acquire practical skills.
I think the school's programmes are able to keep up with industry trends.
The school's curriculum is designed to cover a wide range of areas and has helped me expand my knowledge.
The school provides us with a wealth of practical opportunities such as internships and project work.
Hands-on teaching has allowed me to gain valuable hands-on experience.
The internship opportunity allowed me to establish contacts with industry experts and set the stage for future career development.
The school provided detailed career planning guidance to help me clarify my career direction.
I believe that the school-enterprise co-operation programme has enhanced my employability and career adaptability.
The school-enterprise co-operation programme provides us with the opportunity to do internships and work in companies.
I have been given resources for internships and employment through the School-Business Partnership Programme.
I believe that the school-enterprise co-operation programme has helped me to establish professional contacts relevant to the industry.
The school's emphasis on labour education in the training process has helped me to realize the importance of labour spirit in career development.
The school's labour education programme has given me a better understanding of the importance of work ethics and work discipline.
Labour education has helped me to stay productive, focused and responsible at work.
Labour education has improved my teamwork skills.
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